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Media Analytics, LLC
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West Chester, PA 19380


Media Analytics Launches Industry First: Live Home Shopping Data and Analytics Platform

Chris Dima Oct 6, 2015

WEST CHESTER, Pa., September 30, 2015 — Media Analytics, a leading provider of data, analytics and research in the direct response industry — and publisher of the IMS Reports — today announced a new product aimed at delivering insight into live home shopping. The new product monitors QVC, HSN and EVINE and compiles detailed information regarding every product aired.

“This is the elephant in the room,” said Jeff White, CEO of Media Analytics. “Live shopping is a $12 billion business with upwards of 20,000,000 daily viewers — so what happens on live shopping is directly affecting e-commerce, direct response and retail.”


Live Shopping Tracker combines proprietary software, a rigorous QA methodology, and data  transformation to deliver easy to discover insights on what happens on QVC, HSN and EVINE. In addition to the major networks, the new platform covers 17 Categories and 198 Sub-Categories and has already logged details on over 4,000 products, including product information, offer and pricing details, programming context and more.

“Live shopping has a lot of actionable data behind it — but it’s been dissipating before industry participants could capture it, track it, tinker with it — and pull insight out of it,” said Chris Dima, Chief Marketing Officer of Media Analytics. "Live Shopping Tracker captures this data and turns it into insight. We expect it to provide substantial value to brand marketers, networks and retailers."

Live Shopping Tracker leverages home shopping performance data to help brand marketers, home shopping networks and  retailers optimize campaigns, improve strategies and drive revenue.

Live Shopping Tracker is delivered via Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) on a subscription basis.

About Media Analytics

Media Analytics is a market intelligence company that provides competitive and prescriptive analysis for the direct response, tv home shopping and retail industries in the United States, Australia and Europe. Media Analytics has built an extensive line of products and services that turn information into insight, allowing our clients to maximize and optimize their business. The IMS Report has been recognized as the direct response monitoring, tracking, and ranking resource for over 25 years.

More Information

Visit http://liveshoppingtracker.com

Contact Information

Jeff White, CEO or Chris Dima, CMO



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